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Topic: Swiss System in tournament ?
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MePaGermany flag
is there a possibility to play in Swiss System in
the tournament? I think it is interesting to play
against 4 different opponents than 2 times against
the same opponenet. Maybe it's possible. What think
others about that system?


mandaragitPhilippines flag
yes, it's possible and interesting. however, you may notice in other popular chess sites, it's not implemented yet despite of popular requests from its members . perhaps, there is a reason for the non-implementation.

the other interesting one is the wimbledon (knockout) system which is popularly being tried in other sites.

miguelUnited States flag
I can't speak for other web sites, but my personal opinion on the matter is that the swiss system works best in over the board tournaments where you can't play more than one game at a time. Here it will be boring to enter a tournament and play just one game, imagine that you finish your game and then you'll have to wait until the last game of the round finishes to get to the next round, and you will be playing just one game again.

I do like it though. I was planning on implementing it for real time play (assuming I get to finish that someday!).


MePaGermany flag
Miguel, you are right with the argument of one game at a time. Could we get another system, maybe a single round robin with 4-6 players and 1-2 reach the next round. I think SRR is also better for the ratings. A player meets more opponents. In DRR you met only two, and most results are 2 victories.

DuncanPhilippines flag
One correspondence chess site I visited used a "bastardized" form of Swiss System for its annual site championship.

Around 150 of the top players of the site participate in the tourney, consisting of 12 matches per player.

To shorten tourney duration, 3 matches are kicked off every 3-4 months. Initially, established ratings are used for pairings, but in later rounds actual and/or projected results are used.

Miguel, I can give you the address to the site's tourney pages via private message if you're interested to see how it works.

catalanAndorra flag
Quizás se podrian usar los dos sistemas, el suizo y el que usamos actualmente, no ?.

Perhaps two systems could to be used, swiss and actually used ?

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