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Topic: Bobby Fischer the Great !!!
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voltesfivePhilippines flag
Hello my fellow chessmates may be you heard in the news that Mr.Genius has a new nationality.For the the records he is now Icelandic ,hmmm he is ? :-) .At last his suffering without nationality is over.He could relax and enjoy his life.Mabuhay !!! Bobby Fischer goodluck to your new nationality.

GambitsharkIceland flag
Fischer have now a good time here on the icecup..He still lives in his favorit Hotel but will soon move to a big flat that he is buyin near my training gym in the central in Reykjavík. Next house to the police station as he likes much more icelandic cops than japanish or american cops..He say hello to everybody here and hope that you turn to Fischer random play...!

TheGreenBishopUnited States flag
Tell him he has serious mental problems and should get professional help. And FRC is garbage too. :-P

ryanwilsonCanada flag
strong words toward a man who has changed the game to what it is. Bobby Fischer isn't someone who play's chess well, Bobby Fischer is chess.I think he deserves respect despit his mental differences, for he is a legend in his own right. ;-)

TheGreenBishopUnited States flag
Bobby Fischer was a great player and his games will live on. However, after winning the world championship, he has been nothing but a huge embarrassment to our game. He is clearly and dearly in need of psychiatric help.

Bobby Fischer is chess
The ;-) means you were joking, right?

alib2004Philippines flag
he has been nothing but a huge embarrassment to our game

I am not a Fischer fan but Bobby Fischer will always be one of the greatest player to play the game. I don't think he is an embarassment to the game. He deserves much more respect that what you treat him greenbishop. yes he has an attitude problem or probably worse than that but he will always be a great player who can beat any chess player during his time. Respect the man dude and I think Ryan Wilson ain't joking when he said Bobby Fischer was a legend.

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