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Topic: Above very bad games
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catalanAndorra flag
There are games that not necessarily receive the chess name for the bad thing that I have played them :-/ . Serious possible to erase them and not to have of filing them?

Hay partidas que no necesariamente deberian recibir el nombre de ajedrea, por lo mal que las he jugado.Seria posible borrarlas y no tener de archivarlas ?

Hi ha partides que no necessariamente tendrien de rebre el nom d'escacs, per lo malament que les he jugat :-/ . Seria possible borrar-les y no tenir d'arxivar-les ?

I would assume that the archives wood be pruned from time to time. And that games,say more than three years old would be deleted.

CutiSpain flag
It would be a good idea not to have games in the list that you do not wish to maintain. For example, those games that leave just by 1 or 2 movements.
By the way, greetings to the group and I feel my poor English. :-/

Sería una buena idea no tener partidas en la lista que no deseas mantener. Por ejemplo, aquellas partidas que abandonan con sólo 1 o 2 movimientos. Por cierto, saludos al grupo y siento mi pobre inglés.

Seria una bona idea no tenir partides en la llista que no desitges mantenir. Per exemple, aquelles partides que abandonen amb només 1 o 2 moviments. Per cert, salutacions al grup i sento el meu pobre anglès.

miguelUnited States flag
Because of the way the site is constructed deleting selected games is not possible. That will destroy any reference to your playing history, which is used to rebuild ratings. Also, a game that you think was pretty bad may be a favorite of your opponent, so even if we come up with a way to hide games it will have to be on agreement between the two players.

MikeDohertyCanada flag
everygame I lose, I learn that much more.

jimwilsonCanada flag
There you go Mike. If you lose to me from time to time instead of kicking my butt then you would learn something. I'm getting a little tired of being the one that's always learning you know!!!!

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