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Topic: FICS Dynamic Chess 21 0 tournament
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becoBrazil flag
Dear chess friends,

As a tournament manager of FICS, I'm rolling this new tourney bellow, and I'm here to invite you all to come and play.

Please, give me one minute of your time to read:

:Name: "FICS Dynamic Chess 21 0 tournament, type 'td info 6' for more info before joining"
:Manager: Beco(TM)
:Time: 21
:Inc: 0
:Style: Swiss System, 4 rounds
:HalfJoins: 1
:Byes: 2
:MaxByes: 1

:EntryMessage: "Welcome to FICS Dynamic Chess 21 min. This tourney has 4 rounds, one game per week. The games will be played every sunday (25/Nov, 2/Dec, 9/Dec and 16/Dec), at 10h a.m. server time. You must be here online 10 minutes before tourney starts, and give me a 'hello' sign by tell. You can also talk to the other players using the command 'tt 6 hello', during all the week, and just before it starts. It is YOUR responsability to be part of this friendly group. I expect you play your games, be ethical and on time. Now, lets have fun! Thank you."

:ExtraInfo: "Bem-vindo ao FICS Xadrez Dinamico 21 min. Este torenio tem 4 rodadas, um jogo por semana. Os jogos ocorrerao todo domingo (25/Nov, 2/Dez, 9/Dez e 16/Dez), as 10h do servidor (15h GMT-3 Recife ou 16h GMT-2 Sao Paulo). Voce deve estar aqui online 10 minutos antes do torneio iniciar, e me mandar um 'oi' pelo tell. Voce pode tambem conversar com os outros jogadores usando o comando 'tt 6 oi', durante toda a semana ate antes do jogo iniciar. E SUA responsabilidade fazer parte deste amistoso grupo. Eu espero de voce que jogue suas partidas, seja etico e pontual. Agora, vamos aa diversao! Obrigado."

:Comment: "This tourney is in honour of GDCX for wining the IX edition (2007) of Franco Montoro Cup of dynamic chess (21 min). Special thanks to Gbsalvio, Mrtads and Alfonsoo."


To join, log in to FICS and type:
td j 6


If you like standard games, this is your best option to join and meet your friends from QA!


Due to a conflict with other scheduled tournament, this one moved one hour later to:
Next 4 sundays, 25/Nov, 2/Dec, 9/Dec and 16/Dec

Hour: 10h a.m. server time
(or 18 GMT; or 16h GMT-2 São Paulo)

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