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Topic: "delete"
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popcornTaiwan flag
How does one use this symbol? Every time I start an "open game" this appears...

miguelUnited States flag
Are you using what is it for? If you click delete the game will be erased from the server. This is only allowed during the first two moves of the game.

popcornTaiwan flag
I'm speaking of the "my games" listing. ...so after any of my games have passed move two the red "X" will disappear and the game will continue? One of my opponents has run out of time without replying to my first move. Do I have to click the red "X" or will this happen automatically? Thanks! And I just want to say Great Site! to you!

miguelUnited States flag
If your opponent didn't reply you can either wait and give him/her more time or delete the game. If this would have happened after move 2 instead of delete you would have seen a claim icon which will adjudicate the game to you.

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