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Miquel--I am playing golfgtiv8
in a 10day/all game. It was a
mistake on my part to accept the
match. I thought it was 10 day
per move. No problem here--my
error; I am sportsman and will
try to finish game with no Time
Forfeit. My problem, I live and

The problem though is this. I
made my 19th move on Friday 19
May at 3:45 pm Eastern Daylight
time. At this time, I had 8 days
and 14 hours left. My opponent
had 3 days and 12 hours left.

I come to the library today at
10 am and my opponent has moved.
All is well so far. My time at
10:30 am was 7 days 20 hours. I
make a move and my opponents
time shows 5 days and 16 hours!!!

This can not be. I have a hard
copy printed on Thurs 19 May of
my game schedule that shows 4 days
and 7 hours. Otherwise all my times
are written down.

My questions are these:
How did my opponent receive
extra time? Do you have records
backing up when moves are made
in games like this where whole
game must be played in certain
amount of days?

I will be copying my pages from now
on with this opponent to back up the
remaining times left by each player!

sincerely, e2cp

MIQUEL---major heart-attack time!

You do not have to answer either
of these posts. However, I am
letting each one stand as a lesson
to newcomers like me and for others
to learn from my mistakes.

My opponent has taken VACATION time
--which as we all know is well within
his prerogative.

I was NOT trying to get my opponent in
trouble or say golftiv8 did anything
wrong. Quite the contrary, my opponent
is a sportsman, plays very well, and is
very knowledgeable. It has been a very
enjoyable game so far. I have made no
major errors--YET, ha!!

Thankyou, e2cp

miguelUnited States flag

I'm glad you figured it out by yourself, in any case whenever you (or anyone else actually) have any questions I can check the move log for the game and give you the exact time each move was made.


MIQUEL--thankyou for your
timely response to MY problem.
A problem I brought upon myself.

When I realized my mistake, I just
started to CANCEL my post. It was
then I decided to let the original
stand as is, and answer it myself.
This way everyone could learn from
my errors, those of a newcomer.

My heart was still racing. This is
my first Email Chess site and games.
My aim is to do well. Not win games
mind you, just play some good Chess--

Your timely and insiteful responses
to members questions makes Queen
Alice a very fine Email/Internet
place to play.

Regards, e2cp

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