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Topic: Time Forfeits at Queen Alice
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Besides starting games in Queen Alice
on 12 May, I am playing three [3] games
at one [1] other site. This site is
a play only site---NO ratings, etc.

I have won one [1] game there. The
Chess server is not even set up to
recognize mate, games may be canceled
up and until the last move. AND, no
time limits! Some of you may know of
which site I speak. I will not say
where, as it would be inappropriate.

However, what is at this site is a
group of Chessplayers [many just like
at Queen Alice] that wish to get with
each other and play Chess.

Time Forfeits in Queen Alice ARE a
possibility---VERY distinct, cold, and
definitely CRUEL. When I answered a
challenge from one [1] opponent early
on I mistook the "10/g" for "10/move".

I made every attempt to complete this
game with out Time Forfeiting. That I
have done; in a Lost position my learned
adversary over-stepped the limit. This
after taking vacation to extend the time.

All well and good so far I suppose. The
crux of the matter lies in my sending a
message to my opponent early on detailing
my situation and offering to be On-line to
play the game out at his convenience. I
did this as a sportsmanlike gesture, even
though I knew that it was ME that would
eventually lose by Time Forfeit.

I come in today and my opponent has Lost
on time, but I am supposed to be "nice"
and send a courtesy reminder. When I
left the library last night, I had seven
[7] days and sixteen [16] hours left---my
opponent had seven [7] hours and thirty-eight
[38] minutes! This, as I said was after the
vacation adjustment. Out of ten [10] days I
used two [2] days and eight [8] hours.

I'm sorry; I came here to PLAY Chess; my
mentor has shown me the ends and outs of
things such as Time Forfeits. And YES, I
did NOT send a reminder. I did send my
opponent an internal Email saying why I
did take the TF.

It did not make me happy to Win on TF,
however, my opponent was down a N and R
with no compensation.

Sportsmanship---YES; holding someones hand
while managing my own affairs---NO!

Chessically, e2cp

MikeDohertyCanada flag
I had a chance to claim a win in a very complicated postion lately, but I am here for the love of the game, not for claiming wins on time. I sent my opponent a message because I respect his style, if I was completly won, I would have claimed win as you did

If someone plays 10/all, I wouldn't hesitate to claim a win instantly as his time expired, not even giving a notice....

but that is just a certain situation, just me :-)

MikeDoherty; thankyou for your imput.

Had I not sent the Email about playing
On-line so neither of us would forfeit
on time, and had I not already had a
won game, I would have sent the reminder.

As a it was, my opponent already had over
eighteen [18] extra hours. If I sent the
reminder, he accepted, and I then blundered
being R + N up, my mentor would have said
I am too easy. This is true; I should not
have sent the first Email---but I am new to
Email Chess and Queen Alice.

Please continue to follow this---I am not
who I seem to be!

...chessically, e2cp

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