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Topic: Artists at work
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popcornTaiwan flag
We chessplayers are above all artists, hard at work creating masterpieces. But in reality, we are faced with the fact that nearly every opponent plays, or tries to play, "out of book" stuff instead of doing his research. I feel like Tchaikovsky trying to compose a symphony while having garbage thrown at him!
But the stark reality of the free market will separate the wheat from the chaff! Market mechanisms mean that inferior chess will fail...

Joseph62United States flag
You could always play a theme game? Where you start out with a middle game.... :-D

GambitsharkIceland flag
Its seems some misunderstanding by you..Playin out of book need some research even much more than to follow books line..Masterpices in chess is not made by books moves!! Thats very clear! You have to play independence from your heart..And when you win by your own ideas, you are happy man and can sit down and drink some Coca Cola with POPCORN....Good luck in your Thaikovsky create.. Greetings! Roadrunner

MikeDohertyCanada flag
what a silly phrase..."out of book"

I play chess to create, not to go look up a certain line and copy someone else's ideas... but that is just me.

PestilenceUnited States flag
Doesn't every game eventually go out of book? If it didn't every game would be solved.

popcornTaiwan flag
I just meant to say I think we ought to be able to get some experience with standard lines before we go off into a3, b6, 1.Nc3, f4 and such stuff. The long, well-explored lines have a mathematical beauty and precision that we should be familiar with. Anyway, there ARE reasons why 1.Nc3 and b6 are rubbish, otherwise THEY would be the main lines...!!

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