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Topic: Annotated short game.
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whyBishNew Zealand flag
A short game.

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1. d4 d5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Bf4 Bf5 Queens pawn game
4. Nb5 Threatening Nxc7+
Na6 The only safe defence
5. e3 c6 Kick the knight away, Blacks Queen knight is not going to be blocked by the pawn at c6
6. Nc3 Nc7 leaving the knight on a6 would result in doubled rook pawns after BxN
7. Bd3 Ne4 Blacks light bishop hangs. It can't reposition well along the c8-h3 diagonal. It has three options. BxB results in white having a central pawn mass, and an open C-file for the rook. Bg6 would be a stable place for the bishop as BxB would open the h-file for the black rook. Be4 gives white the bishop pair after NxB. The chosen move blocks the hanging bishop and hopes to trade knights ( either way ) or for the white knight to reposition
8. Nxe4 Bxe4 looked stronger as it would have doubled blacks e pawns
dxe4 gains tempo
9. Bxc7 A strange trade, the strong bishop for the weak knight
Qxc7 10. Bc4 Be2 was better
b5 another free pawn move
11. g4 An attempt to kick the black bishop. Weakens the kingside
Bg6 Keep supporting e4, and h6 can be played if white eventually plays h5
12. Be2 could have done this earlier
e5 ! Free the final minor piece for development. If dxe5 then Rd8 forces the queen out of play, and then the black queen wins the pawn and is centralised. If d5 then Rd8 wins the pawn because it is pinned to the queen. I expected c3 which protects the pawn but introduces a weakeness if O-O-O
13. dxe5 Rd8 Kick the queen away first
14. Qc1 Qxe5 Recapture the pawn and centralise the queen. At this point white has such limited mobility. The bishop cant move forward safely. the knight can't be centralised and blocks the king rook. The queen has one safe square and blocks the queen rook from developing. With both rooks blocked the king is stuck in the centre
15. c3 Gives the queen somewhere to go, but with blacks rook on d8 white will not be able to castle queenside. C3 would have been more use earlier
Bd6 Point the bishop to the enemy kingside and ready castling. If Qc2 then Bc7 again blocks o-o-o
16. Nh3 The only place to develop the knight without Bf1 first
O-O To make the king knight available for attack
17. Nf4 Not a real attacking threat since NxB would open the f-file for the black rook
Qg5 Discovered attack on the knight by the bishop
18. Nxg6 fxg6 19. O-O Deadly. White is still materially even, but Qc2 was about thhe only real option
Qh4 Threatens Qxh2#
20. f4 FOrced.Blocks the bishop
exf3 reopens the threat
21. Rxf3 The king now has a flight square
Qxh2+ 22. Kf1 Rxf3+ 23. Bxf3 Bg3 Threatens Qf2#
24. Qe1 Forced
Bxe1 25. Rxe1 Rf8 pin the bishop. Rd2 is slower since white can play Re2
26. Re2 Qh1+ now that the bishop is pinned the queen can reach the back rank
27. Kf2 Rxf3# 0-1

elreyArgentina flag
Nice! By the way... 20 or less moves = short game ;-)

OnceuponEngland flag
25 or fewer ;-)

whyBishNew Zealand flag
Well it was over by move 20, just not checkmate ;-)

razomanPhilippines flag
Great annotation. How do you do that? What guidelines do you use to come out with each of the comment. Thanks.

whyBishNew Zealand flag
I just put in what I was thinking about at the time, (or what I noticed after the game ... unfortunately this part can sometimes be rather embarrassing :-P ). There is a post in the help page on how to post games in pgn format with comments.

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