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Topic: Annotated Game : Short Queen Hunt
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whyBishNew Zealand flag
A short game offering up a pawn for a lot of tempo.

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1. Nf3 d5 2. g3 c5 3. Bg2 Nc6 4. O-O e5 Reversed Kings indian
5. c3 ignores the threat of e4. d3 probably fits better
e4 Kicks the knight to the edge ( either h4 or e1 ) , and blunts whites light squared bishops long diagonal. Centre owned by black.
6. Ne1 f5 Further claims the centre and lets the knight go to f3 behind the f4 pawn. There is no chance of a kingside attack before black castles
7. Qa4 At this stage the only piece white can develop is the queen. a pawn move here is called for. d3 would have opened up space for the minor pieces. Pins the knight.
Bd7 Release the pin and threaten a discovered attack on the queen
8. Qb3 Forks d5 and f7 pawns
c4 further clamp down of the centre. Attacks the queen and offers a pawn sacrifice.
9. Qxb7 Accepts the pawn sacrifice, the queen is now a long way from home, and without company. The queen now requires three moves just to get to d1 ( a6-a4-d1 ) and would require more to get to the kingside
Rb8 Pushes the queen to a6 and takes charge of the file the queen opened
10. Qa6 Nf6 Qa4 can't be constructively stopped so continue development towards a kingside attack
11. d4 opens the line for the dark squared bishop
Bd6 Can't take the pawn ep without letting the queen free and loosening the centre. Bf4 was threatened
12. Na3 O-O 13. Nb5 The attempt to get company for a queenside attack or retreat is doomed. The knight is lost because it can be pinned by forcing the queen to a4 per text.
Rb6 14. Qa4 Ne7 pins the knight to the queen and attacks it twice, while it is only defended by the queen
15. Qxa7 Expected Qd1 where white is a knight for a pawn down. This attempt to get two pawns for the knight traps the queen
Bxb5 Captures the knight and more importantly stops Qa4 ( and Qa6 ) The queen now has only two safe squares a5 and a7. These can be simultaneously attacked by a knight
16. a4 Attacks the bishop getting a rook and bishop for a queen and knight per text
Nc6 17. Qxb6 Qxb6 18. axb5 Qxb5 19. Nc2 h6 Planning to launch pawns against the white king
20. Ne3 f4 fork g3 and the knight
21. gxf4 Bxf4 pins knight to bishop guaranteeing a trade down
22. Nf5 Bxc1 trade off the bishops
23. Raxc1 Nh5 The queen could take the hanging pawn on b2, but the doubled rooks on the baseline could cause her to lose tempo repositioning afterwards. The pawn at b2 is locked in anyway. The knight to a5 then b3 locking the rooks out of the open a file fits better. Nh5 pushes whites knight backwards, followed by Nf4 to get rid of whites bishop ( it can't move backward because the king would be cramped
24. Nd6 Qb6 Traps the knight, and can attack it after Na5 25. Nf5 Rxf5 0-1

TwinigoCanada flag
You know, your analysis is very interesting and fun to read! Especially when considering many games "annoted" by GM who go like this: 10 moves; Black is better. 10 moves later; f3 would have been better. 10 moves later; It's a classical win for Black etc.

Thanks for sharing your time with us chessplayer of Queen's 8-)

razomanPhilippines flag
It is a great tutorial!

whyBishNew Zealand flag
I have this theory about chess. If you understand the moves your opponent is making then you are roughly evenly matched. If your opponents moves are confusing then you are either clearly better ... or clearly worse :-(O) I don't understand most GM games (the games from a century or more ago are more obvious to me)

My games are not perfect (I am poor tactically), but I like to post my thoughts on games.

razomanPhilippines flag
Do you annotate the games of other players? It could be a good source of income.

whyBishNew Zealand flag
I don't think I'm good enough to do so :-)

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