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Topic: PGN history
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floridaflagUnited States flag
how can one optain it on this site like other sites!.

miguelUnited States flag
Look for a red floppy disk icon on the right side box in the game page. This will allow you to download each game as a pgn file.

Or are you asking about getting all your games in a single pgn file?

Lounge7Germany flag
Miguel wrote: "Or are you asking about getting all your games in a single pgn file?"

That would be another nice feature, don't you think? It may be available on the My Archive page.

floridaflagUnited States flag
need to view other players history games in PGN or any format, while reviewing past master games of current players.

arthurlaneCanada flag
Miguel: I think that being able to download all archived games as a single PGN (or all games archive or active for that matter) would be great! Is that possible?


miguelUnited States flag
Yes, that will be available soon. You will have the option to download your own games or all the games in a tournament as a single pgn file.


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