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Topic: #games to play in a tournament
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Lounge7Germany flag
I tried to calculate the approximate number of games I would have to play if I should join the current tournament and win :-D (I don't think I could). Maybe you could include that on the tournament page?

In a double round robin tournament with a goup size of 4 and 16 members plus me (= 17) that would be: 6 games in the first group (two games against three group members) + 6 games for the next level group (containig the winners of the first level groups) + another 2 games for the last level group (containing me and the second group winner of the second level) = 14 games to play for a win (if I understood the rules).

miguelUnited States flag
You can approximate the number of games, but there is no way to know for sure because of the random pairings and the rules of advancing players.

If the number of players is 17, then the tournament will have five groups, where three of those groups will have only three players. So you could be playing 6 or 4 games for the first round depending on wether you are assigned to a 3 or 4 player group.

Then for the second round if we assume that each group advanced one player, there will be 5 players which will be distributed in two groups of 3 and 2 players respectively. So you would be playing either 4 or 2 games in that round. But then you have to consider that some of the first round groups may have ties in the first place, and in that case all the winners advance.

I'd say a good approximation is 12 games for the whole tournament, with never more than 6 at the same time.

Lounge7Germany flag
Okay, that's true. I meant the 'worst case' scenario. ;-) Maybe displaying the total number of members in a tournament would help, then, but I don't know if others are interested in that calculation, too. No priority for me! :-)

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