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Topic: The Ability to 'Watch' a Game
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swintonUnited Kingdom flag
Don't know if this has been requested before, but it would be nice to be able to watch a game, i.e. save the link to a game you are interested in seeing the outcome of under a 'Watched Games' section.

This also leads to another feature, seeing how many people are 'watching' a game you are playing.


voidRomania flag
That is not entirely necessary. You can simply copy the link to your favorite game and paste it in your Internet browser whenever you wanna see it. :-)

swintonUnited Kingdom flag
yep, I know that, and I often bookmark links to interesting looking games on here.

It would be nice though, I think, if I could save the link on this site, under a Watched Games section, so if I connect to this site from a different machine then the link is still available to me.

Plus, I think it would be nice to be able to keep track of how many people are watching your games.

miguelUnited States flag
I like the idea, I'm adding it to my list as low priority.



swintonUnited Kingdom flag
Cool! Keep up the good work - it's a great site.


tewaldUnited States flag
Miguel, I may have already suggested this, but don't remember. Sorry if I did.

You so helpfully give us the alphanumeric designation and number for the opening we're playing. It would be great to be able to search the games by that designation, player rating, ongoing or finished, etc. I'd love to see some games by the higher-rated players, in which they play an opening I'm trying to learn better.

Thanks, again, Miguel, for a great site! :-D

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