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Topic: Any Rehab for Queenalice addicts?
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robelixBrazil flag
Is there anybody with the same problem? Miguel could create something like The QSA (Queenalice sindrome anonymous) for people getting bad grades in school, being fired, or even wrecking marriages :-(O) . I used to visit at least 10 sites on the web, on my internet time, and now I´m hardly checking my mail! The names, of course, should not appear in this kind of forum etc, etc 8-)

voidRomania flag
Some people have been fired and had other problems because of Solitarie or Minesweeper. A "QueenAlice sindrome" would be no surprise. :-(O) But... is that a bad thing?! Any opinions? %-)

PepatoSpain flag
When I began here I was visiting the site once every two or three days. Now I am hours every day.
"If your you love this site do click in the banners" ;-)
(Just another subliminal suggestion)
:-D :-D :-D

tewaldUnited States flag
Hmm...Yes, we all need to click on the banners frequently, so that Miguel will get rich, so that, when our respective psychatrists confer with our respective lawyers, he will have lots of bucks for us to take when we sue him for our respective addictions. :-(O)

jcmPhilippines flag
No!!! No rehab!!! :-D
Queenalice is a GOOD addiction.

tewaldUnited States flag
Yeah, sure, jcm. That's sounds like what that guy in the raincoat told me in the alley yesterday...

Hmm...come to think of it, he said his name was Miguel...

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