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Topic: merber Gambitshark use a chess software assistence!!
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whyBishNew Zealand flag
"In all correspondence chess servers, all players with a rating highter than 2000, use chess engines to analize their positions and/or check their moves (in my opinion).

Jo_Condor, why do you accuse everyone with 2000+ rating as cheats on this site when you haven't even played any games here???

I have a rating >2000 and I only use a comp after the game is finished and I have done my own analysis first.
You will see many examples of my games where I hang knights etc. this wouldn't happen if I were checking moves with a comp.
Just because someone is better than you at something does not make them a cheat.

OnceuponEngland flag
Jealousy brings out the worst in folk :-/

bugeyewrxUnited Kingdom flag
Does no one else find it a bit ironic that someone with the user name 'cyborg' is accusing another player of being a combination of man and machine .....

In the two games I've played against Gambitshark I'm sure he didn't use any help .... I might of lasted longer against an engine ;-)

Lx_Portugal flag
cyborg ,first off all it s a serious acusation but if your certain of that tell me what chess program did you use and i will find out. personaly i believe gambitshark is a great chess player, i have already study some of his games and dont believe he could cheat,but just in case...

PablyxBrazil flag
I don´t believe in this acusation. If a lot of people says that analyzed with fritz and a lot of moves weren´t the same, it´s clear that the player isn´t using a program. If the moves in the opening are the same, it´s normal, because the site rules allow the using of computer to consult oppening books.

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