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Topic: How to analyze a position
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tewaldUnited States flag
Does anyone have a favorite book, web-site, article, etc. on how to analyze a position?

MacDonnellBrazil flag
I read "How to think in chess" the best! it tells you how to analyse a position and do the right move... good luck

robelixBrazil flag
Some "Experts" complain about Jeremy Silman's book, "How to Reassess your chess", saying that it is dogmatic, with many flaws and typos and bla, bla, bla, but I still think it is a good book, giving specific advice on what to look for in a position and act accordingly. He cites "Think like a grandmaster" as a good book too, but I haven't read it yet. What I learned with Silman's book was how to choose a side of the board to play; the side where you have better chances to gain an advantage (material or positional). Not bad 8-) Sure using Fritz also (post-morten), trying some crazy plans and watching the engine work on the positions is interesting too. :-D

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