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Topic: Black color only at top of board.
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EChess05United States flag
Would it be possible to add a feature to the Board Style options that only places Black at the top of the board if that is the side being played? Right now there is the "My color at the top of the board" option but does this with White as well. Thanks.

tewaldUnited States flag
So you want it to always have White at the bottom, like in the books?

Of course, you can "flip" each one, but that would be a bit of a hassle, I suppose.

EChess05United States flag
Yup, the books have made me too used to that layout. Sure I can flip the board but there are so many other features of "convenience" on this great site that I figured one more wouldn't hurt :-).

mustangUnited States flag
I always like seeing the board from my position, like when I play in over-the-board chess tournaments or at Internet speed chess sites.

When I am studying a game I am not playing, and have no preference for either side, then Black at the top is fine. But if I am studying the Black side of the Sicilian Defense, then give me White at the top every time!! :-)

EChess05United States flag
Doh! If you leave the My Color... options unchecked, the default style is Black always on top. Sheesh, this is what I get for not playing around with the options more. Sorry for the redundant request folks.

Now all I need is some egg to put on my face.

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