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Topic: gambitshark is a great player
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ClivetheBeardWales flag
It's a problem with the cumulative rating system. Maybe there should be an "average rating of opponents" alongside each player's grade to help people form a judgement about who is the best player?

GambitsharkIceland flag
its a clear error in the rating system,to be honest I also used for a while the tactic that Bergman is using to get higher rating. Its legal but not exactly fair to other players that are fighting hard with strong players to get higher rating. I am therefore also overrated with 500-1000 points.
Miguel can cut down my rating for at least 500 for this reason..fine to me..

mateintwoItaly flag
Gambit you're wrong!

your rating is more or less right compared with who is around you !

Take care


jagvgArgentina flag
ja.ja.ja. Si yo hiciera lo que Bergman hace seguramente tendria mas puntaje que el, crea jugadas con jugadores de menos de 2000 puntos y suma de 50 a 100 puntos por vez. Asi cualquiera puede sumar. Tal vez Miguel deberia hacer algo al respecto no? Como que cuando la diferencia sea mayo de digamos 400 puntos no sume si gana el que mas tiene y si el que menos tenga asi se incentiva a los jugadores con menos experiencia a jugar y aprender do los demas.

ClivetheBeardWales flag
By the way, I've just noticed that "Patrick Viera" has started playing here (or has he been here a while?). Anyway ... he's a great player ... but at a different game! :-D :-(O)

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