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Topic: Ratings
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WulebgrUnited States flag
How do Queen Alice ratings compare to Chess World, Red Hot Pawn, Net-Chess, other similar sites, and OTB?

PekrafGermany flag
They seem much to high.
I was never anywhere near 2206 anywhere else.:-)

Although 2 finished games are not much.

popcornTaiwan flag
Maybe the system is getting inflated, both by lots of players entering, earning points for a while and then dropping out, and also as a result of the protected rating rule by which, even in a loss to an unrated or provisionally-rated player, a higher-rated opponent can never lose points. I was never OTB rated more than 2180 in Canada. (but...I'm heading that way again anyway!) :-/

WulebgrUnited States flag
Will my provisional rating go down when I win against a player rated 1000 points below me? It should.

I'm still curious how non-provisional ratings compare to other sites. My online correspondence ratings range from 1610 (GameKnot) to 2267 (Net-Chess). All of these are higher than my USCF OTB of 1550, but several are lower than my USCF postal of 1805 and my IECC rating of 1750.

The level of play I've seen so far at Queen Alice from players with non-provisional ratings in the 1600-2000 range is comparable to what I've seen at Net-Chess. However, my sample is terribly small. I'd like those with more games on this site to weigh in.

PekrafGermany flag
Your rating can't go down when you win. ;-)

But it should not go up either, with this much of a difference.

GambitsharkIceland flag
Well, over board ratings are not the same as corres normally or on server..always higher on server chess..my over board rating was 2150 when I stop to play mostly but I was only playin sometimes and had strength for more..in Corres my new ICCF ELO is:2348.. I think that we all have to high ELO here on Alice. Its mostly because many get very high startin ELO FOR ONLY ONE ONE game winning and many keep that well. For instance my friend IAMC started wih one win and 2350 ELO or so and is now 2564..but I started with around 1800 and is still lower than him with 2533 even for I have won good players like him at least.. :-/ In world chess server I played for a while and got 2400 ELO rather easy So OTB chess ELO for most of us is 200-400 ELO lower it seems.. 8-)

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