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Topic: Comparing Fritz 11, 12 and 13
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tewaldUnited States flag
I have Fritz 11, which I use for analyzing games AFTER they're finished. Fritz 13 is now out, and Fritz 12 can be found cheaper as a result. Is anyone aware of a comparison of the 3 versions? Trying to decide if it's worth spending any more money on it. Thanks.

whyBishNew Zealand flag
I never figured out how to use fritz to give decent game analysis.

JungJoeUnited States flag
I never use a game analyzer as I do not have one. It may be just me, but I would rather analyze the game myself. I think I learn more that way. It truly is my style of learning.

I am not the best player here on line or in the chess world but I am learning. :-/

whyBishNew Zealand flag
It's not a substitute to analyzing a game yourself, it's a substitute for having to have a friend point out the stuff you are missing ;-)

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
The difference is:
I never beat fritz 13
50% against fritz 12
I always beat fritz 11 :-(O)

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