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Topic: Why is back far better in this position?
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phystutordotcomUnited States flag
White moves first, but black has a big advantage. Who will be the first to reply and tell us why black has the advantage. If you think white is better I will challange you to game/10 days from this position. You will be annoyed when you find out why white is losing.


rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w kq - 0 1

norocIceland flag
Is this the famous Zugzwang ;-)

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
no Noroc white has many excellent moves here.

whyBishNew Zealand flag
It's because Carlsen is black

sasukeeItaly flag
black can choose as replay to white but White has 1 time more than black

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
WhyBish, Sasukee, Sorry but nobody has come up with THE correct answer. There is no debate everyone over 1800 FIDE would prefer Black. why?

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