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Topic: number of games
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mav40121United States flag
Just checking, there is no cap on how many games you can have on going at any given time, right? I have 90+ going on right now, and I noticed no one else has that many. I just want to make sure that at 100, nothing bad will happen....

miguelUnited States flag
You can have as many as you can handle. :-)

tewaldUnited States flag
I am pretty sure I have seen some over 100. Those, at least when they've played me, tend to be the ones that slow down the tournaments, taking the full week for each move.

GambitsharkIceland flag
Its very enertic and litle crazy to play 100 games or more on the server as as you can not win time..
As far as I can see for this day is 5 players handling this enormus thing:
1.Joaoreis001 194! games
2.R.Nephi 141
3.Refutor 136
4.Mav40121 106
5.Constante 101

Sounds like playing correspondence speed chess. Isn't the point of Correspondence is to have the time to really think about your move? I can see having a large amount of games if you can spend large amounts of hours daily playing chess.

OnceuponEngland flag
I play no more than two games at a time, and prefer one.

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