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Topic: Minimum reply time
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ClivetheBeardWales flag
I think that you should be able to opt in to a 'minimum reply time' for a particular game or games; some opponents reply almost instantly, so that games become 2 moves a week games ... which is not what it says on the tin!

ClivetheBeardWales flag
To prove my point in the time it took me to write this message an opponent logged in and made a move! Ridiculous! :-(

CorvidaeEngland flag
I'm not sue what you mean.

RuttyUnited Kingdom flag
Do not understand what the problem is. If you want one move a week then do not make your move until a week has passed. Your opponent cannot reply until you have moved.

ClivetheBeardWales flag
But some people just sit on the site all day (or carry a smart phone around with them) and just fire moves off within minutes. If they are in the same time zone as you very annoying! Just a couple of hours grace would be nice!

sovayEngland flag
Who's Grace? :-/

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