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phystutordotcomUnited States flag
For heaven's sake I think I will pray.

God grant me the courage to change those things that I can change.

The serenity to accept those things that I cannot change.

And the wisdom to know the difference between the 2.

Since I dont plan to play any more rated games, except those I may encounter in tournaments I am already in, for me this seems to be a moment that requires serenity.

I suppose that it is plausible that a member could correct this problem, but my best guess is that the only one who can change this is migeul. However I hope that I am wrong.

CorvidaeEngland flag
Not a bad idea. I might challenge you when my own games list is shorter.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
When I wrote I am not starting any more rated games I should have said I am only practicing endgames. However you could use your buddy list for players you trust and only play rated games against players on your buddy list.

GBSAustralia flag
The reality is the cheat ultimately cheats himself!

ClivetheBeardWales flag
But the original GBS once wrote a play called 'You Never can Tell' !!

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