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equusEngland flag
LUKK is playing with LUKK22 (himself) in the following tournies which he has ruined by cheating: Auto Open 2937, 2810 and 2993; Auto Elite 1157. COME ON MIGUEL GET RID OF HIM!

TomRipleyItaly flag
the 12th of April I sent a message to Miguel by signaling the number of posts that were protesting against cheating Lukk, but he never answered me.
Please Miguel, act against Lukk, Queenalice is more beautiful without cheaters!

PablyxBrazil flag
It´s very easy to prove a cheating. Use the best program against the cheater and send the game to the admin.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
Here is a strange idea. Someone with 20 user names organizes a private tournament, invites all his user names and nobody else.

PablyxBrazil flag
Well, if the admin doens´t act against cheaters, when you get in a tournament and the cheater be paired with you, play him just like him, using an engine. It´s your engine against his engine. He will notice it when started to lose...

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
I saw LadyLuck and LittleBitOfLuck in a lottery commercial.

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