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Topic: Open Games
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RonLyonFrance flag
Being relatively new to this site, I'm a bit confused by how "Open Games" is intended to work. For example, I see at the bottom of the tab screen for "Open Games" that we're asked to limit our requests to three, which I suppose makes sense. What happens when a person puts lots of requests at once on the site is that it's harder for other site members to have their requests seen. Enthusiasm for the game is great and at the same time it's helpful to balance that with room for others too. Anyway, just a thought ... and for sure, Queen Alice is a terrific chess site. Keep up the good work!

Apatride is a liar and cheater. Don't play with him.
He doesn't know to play chess and he uses chess engines to play.

Apatride = Eggchaser2 = killer_of_Apatride = killer_of_Apatride2 = killer_of_Apatride3 = dextermorgan_is_a_cheater = dextermorgan2

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