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WeirdGoblinBrazil flag
Hi! I think that it would be more efficient if we could make "automatic moves" in our games. It means that we could answer in advance to our opponent's move if we figure out what he gonna do (answering automatically to a capture, for example OR playing only moves) . In the event that our move shall not be legal, it is simply forgotten and we should enter the game normally and make a move. It would let the game faster. I don't know what others player think about. ICC uses it as everyone should know. Thanks.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
Automatic moves are often called if moves.

This has been suggested before. Even when Miguel was active he did not program that possibility. I imagine a member super talented with computers and Chess base could program his computer to log in 100 times a day and reply to an anticipated move.

norocIceland flag
All the chess web fevelopper stopped developping - i am sad

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