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Topic: UnBlock Tournaments Automatic Time Expired = Lost Game
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This might be the most important feature we need. Many tournaments are forever blocked because both players have abandoned the site. In tournament games when your time expires you should immediately and automatically lose. All the players who advance to the next round need this rule change. "Automatically" is most important. "Immediately" less important. For example if a tournament goes a month with no moves being played all unfinished games are adjudicated. The player waiting for a move wins would solve the problem.

Let's convince Miguel, if he ever reads this, that this is the most important thing he needs to fix.

Let's make a list of all the Tournaments that are blocked because time expired has not been called.

kingdaveUnited States flag
I agree that this is needed badly, but I would not bother to make the list, because it's not going to happen. It looks like the administrator Miguel has not logged in since 2017. https://queenalice.com/player.php?id=1
Fittingly enough, if you check his games he as a player is the cause of a blocked tournament dating back to 2014. Somehow we have to get out the word that if you are going to quit the site you should resign and/or claim all of your tournament games before you leave. Unfortunately, I doubt that many people read the forums.

JailtonMasterBrazil flag

The Auto-Open-4120 tournament cannot continue, because even though the time has expired, the winning player
(krispin43), does not claim his games.... Why who is out of time, does not lose the game as it should happen ? ?:-(

jpot2503Brazil flag
I agree. Another blocked tournament: Auto-Master 2823.

RaulSoftBrazil flag
I have two games that neither I nor the opponent were able to claim the game on because of a Draw by Repetition.
Please, Can you help us? or how do i solve this?
another block

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