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Topic: How do you determine what your own playing style is?
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DoctorCanada flag
Hello everyone,

This may sound like a really dumb question, but I was wondering how one determines what their own playing style is like?

For example I've been told by a few people that they think my playing style is an active attacking game. Does this mean that I am too aggressive? Or am I putting too much thought into this subject? Was wondering if someone could help me out.

Doctor. :-)

GambitsharkIceland flag
Often players are not sure what theyr playin style is..but others have some good opinion on it. For years I was called braveheart attack players even by some GM...
And I also heard that and soon understand it that I was bad defence player as well..I won some nice games with icefire attack but lost poorly when I was under fire..
Perhaps that is also your story Doc!
I have been working last years on the defence side of chess and not be on hurry..We can not expect to win all ouer games in the opening!
Agressive is a must sometimes and sometimes not. We must critise ouer selves..
As in football no team can reach to the top with bad defence...
But I will always be more attack player than defender...To those who want to play fun and lively chess I will say
my own favorit words:

popcornTaiwan flag
We can only say that if you repeatedly tend to end up in passive and cramped positions after 15 or 20 moves (like me!) you are not being adventurous enough, either in the opening choice or in the early middlegame. Do you have a middlegame plan - something to attack, a key square to gain control of? I find it is a good idea to spend a lot of time on this phase of the game. Choose openings with care; some people prefwer fluid piece play while others prefer to close the position and manoeuvre.

RLBadKarmaUnited States flag
If I'm playing white I am always looking for a chance to attack. I will proceed through the opening as I normally would but I will watch my opponent for a chance to shift gears into an attack. If the queen moves early she will be the target.

When playing black, as soon as the king is safe, I will work to gain tempo and look for a target.

I have always been this way. I quess it's because one of the people I have always respected was George Patton. His motto was, "Always attack!".

KenshoNetherlands flag
This is very interesting subject. I believe that personality traits of a person reflect on behaviour and therefore in the way someone solves problems. If you analyse a series of chessgames of a player I believe you can reconstruct the character of the player. Or vica versa the character of a player will determine the way he plays. Even if a player tries to fool his opponent eventually his true personality traits will take over or you can even say that the 'fooling' is a part of his personality in daily life. Players how play agressive do this because this is a part of there personality. Of course a agressive player will not be a violent person in real life but changes are that the outgoing, adventures trades will be a part of his life. A defensive player will also be more defensive in relationships than an agressive player and so on. So if you want to know what your playing style is, just think of how you are as a person. The chessboard is the mirror of your personality. :-)

ViceroyUnited Kingdom flag

I think there are so many exceptions, that it's difficult to assume that someone's chess playing style mirrors their personality. Mild mannered people can be agressive on the board and the opposite is true as well.

Kensho, to test your theory look at my games and see if you can tell me anything about my personality .... apart from my being a lousy chess player that is :-D

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