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Topic: Philidor vs. Philidor
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PhilidorUnited States flag
If the actual Philidor was to come to this time period and play here how do you all think I'd do against him? I know my name has an ironic twist as pawn play and positional defensive play's not my cup of tea unlike Philidor but then again I have read Many tactical and endgame books that contains knowledge Philidor wouldnt have access too and he wouldnt apply the Kotov method like me so... But then again he may read Think like a GM if he came to our time period to even out the game, I hypothesis that the opening would be a 1.e4,c5 2.f4,Nc6 3.Nf3,d6 sicilian with original Philidor as white and me as white may go 1.f4,d5 or 1.b3,e5 2.Bb2,Nc6 3.e3,d5 4.Bb5,Bd6 which is the best move order for black (surprizing as this is a very very old line dating to the 15th century.)

tewaldUnited States flag
Current theory, books, CDs, etc., notwithstanding, if the real Philidor showed up, I have to believe he'd whip all of us. There might be a few exceptions at the very top of the heap, but I'm sure I'd stand no chance against him. I suppose if you or I knew a trap or two that had not been discovered in his day, then we might be able to grab an advantage, but I have to believe he'd still recover and take care of us pretty easily.

MikeDohertyCanada flag
to even wonder if you stand a chance against one of the fathers of chess....

cmon.... ;-) easy tactical traps from one of us would just make it easier for someone of that strength to win!!

MorpheusSouth Africa flag
Yes I tend to agree with the sentiments here, those GM's would whip is all very very quickly.

mav40121United States flag
well, they were used to longer time controls, so maybe not quickly.... but that wouldn't change the outcome!!!!

PhilidorUnited States flag
Tewalds seems to be cutting himself short he's over 2200 on here which is like a USCF master and I don't think any pre-Morphy master would win so easily, though I did know a FIDE master who thought Morphy would be 2400 off the bat but I don't believe that as I believe in evolution and people getting smarter and stronger as years go by, that's why our records for speed and strength are better then they were 100 and 200 years ago. And with the advent of objectivism (which didnt exist before the 20th century) we are most certainly superior as we rely on scientific evidence and fact rather then faith (which is very dangerous) to make our decisions, and we also know how to attempt to find the best solutions through newfound scientific laws and formulas.

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