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Topic: Bobby & Boris
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ketchuploverUnited States flag
Casting has started for a movie based on the 1972 World Chess Championship.

PennPhilippines flag
Now that's very interesting!

GambitsharkIceland flag
Interesting for Iceland also..after all the Reykjavík match its the most famous World Championship ever in chess..when the russians was broken and the cold war was still on..Some say that Fischer is the only true hero that has been made in the USA because of this.He hated the russians and fighted against them and won ALONE!..And now Fischer is outlaw from his loved cauntry because of stupid politikans that even dont know how to play chess! This is the world today and USA as they really are..destroy theyr own hero!

lecterrorCroatia flag

He hated the russians and fighted against them and won ALONE!

I find this most degrading to Fisher, if he hates russians that makes him racist, just like that. :-/ But then again, he might be a victim of USA propaganda like most people. >:-(

alib2004Philippines flag
let's not talk about countries hating each other. this might fuel a bad discussion and racism in the site. we don't want that to happen, do you?

peace ;-)

GambitsharkIceland flag
The match 1972 was not only chess it was politics between cauntrys of USA and Russia..(Sovet union)
but of course we must not go outside the talk..keep it tight ..The politics in this make the interest to made the movie,that sure..not because of the chess it self!

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