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Topic: The NB-RP exchange at f2 or f7
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tewaldUnited States flag
I was told years ago that capturing the f2 or f7 pawn early in a 0-0 position was an error. You trade your B and N for a R and P; 6 points for 6 points, so in that way it's even, but you're giving up an active piece (2 minors for 1 major). What is your opinion on this? Also, if it is indeed a bad idea, how do you take advantage of it when your opponent does it? TIA.

MaseguiBrazil flag
Well, trading 2 pieces for 1 it's almost always a bad idea, I think. Of course it depends of the position in the board. You have to "feel" the situation and make a decision. That's it!

tewaldUnited States flag
Is there a specific set of methods or opportunities to watch for?

GambitsharkIceland flag
When opponet go for this kind of f7 killing its mostly bad idea as Masegui say. But hat kind of player is on the learning way and like to attack.
Here is one game for instance that bravehearted player attacked me this kind:http://www.queenalice.com/game.php?id=41315

tewaldUnited States flag
OK, Gambitshark, but you are rated 1000 points higher than your opponent in that case and handled him easily, as you should. However, I have had opponents at my approximate rating (2188 at this writing) play the same type of move. Is there a specific way to take advantage of this "error" on your opponent's part? I noted that you immediately retreated your king after the exchange. Other than that, I can see no moves on your part that are specific to the position created from this exchange.

GambitsharkIceland flag
I look at one of your games were you meet the capturing at f2..I think you meet it okay but should have placed your king at the kingside not goin to e2 that gived your opponet some counterplay. If the player as white in this game should have play safe and sound and then he wins without trouble because of matarial plus. First af all is keepin your king safe!

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