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RayDuque3United States flag
Why are you using your username here at Queen Alice and not your nickname? What is your nickname, just your nickname. Let me start with me including my name.

My nickname is RAY
My name is RAY
My full and real name is RAY DUQUE III

I use my name in all chess site. Just in case you want to know me more, just go to my Homepage or go to my Web Site address. Let me give you my address.


PGeonBrunei flag
Its because I like my username more than my nickname :-D

MaseguiBrazil flag
My username is just the first letters of my real name:
MArio SErgio GUImaraes :-)

gerchurchesCuba flag
My name is Gerardo

My surname is Iglesias (translated to english it´s Churches)

That´s why I select gerchurches as username for QA

GambitsharkIceland flag
I have many nicknames..Famous USA chessbook publisher called me the name GAMBITSHARK when we play a corr game in world championship I think 1995 or 1996.
In the lifting world I have been called Kári the CAT(1970) and also TIGERCAT(1983) when I won my first Nordisk champ title of 4..later GLACERCAT when I made Icelandic record in benchpress at the glacier VATNAJÖKULL 1986..when I got older and vicer som lawer call me MAGISTER, and that is also used as SIR MAGISTER CAT for many awards I have in Iceland!...
This is some story fellows! ;-)

tewaldUnited States flag
Mine is simple and boring: Thomas Ewald -> tewald.

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