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Topic: England vs Wales match
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Lightningzap007England flag
:-D i think that an england vs wales match would be a good idea :-P :-(O)

OnceuponEngland flag
When does it start? :-P

AmadeusBrazil flag
Sorry but;

What's the diference between England and Wales? I mean, cultural diference, and political...

And, What's the diference between ENGLAND and UNITED KIGDOM?

Best Wishes,

Wagner Amadeus 8-)

MaseguiBrazil flag
I would like to know the answer from the point of view of both sides... ;-)

OnceuponEngland flag
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland make up the United Kingdom. It's all there on the Web.

Culturally, they're worlds apart. They also speak different languages which means they don't understand one another. The four countries have avoided going to war only because translators have refused to interpret any such declarations on the grounds that they aren't paid enough :-P

At first glance, it is impossible to determine the gender of anyone from Scotland, since everyone wears a skirt :-P

All Welsh people eat sheep :-P

GilBouvet Island flag
Then, you wanted to mean that the history of the King Arthur is not true?

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