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Topic: Prof. Tewald! Help translating!
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becoBrazil flag
Dear Prof. Tewald...

I was reading the best cartoon ever, Calvin and Hobbes, and here are some sentences I didnt understood fully (but they made me laught anyway).

Well, I think first I need to contextualize the sentences... They both are about to start a croquet game, when Calvin called Hobbes cheater because the put the wickets to much far apart... Then they start calling names to each other! Now, the cartoon... The italic sentences are the ones I need help to understand the meaning:

Calvin: Call me a liar, will you? Well, you're just a poop head! So there!

Hobbes: Potty mouth! Potty mouth! Calvin is a Potty mouth!

Calvin: You're asking for a toothless mouth, buster!

Hobbes: Yeah? Says you and what army? You couldn't knock the teeth out of a mosquito!

Calvin (already fighting!): Ha! Mosquitos don't even have teeth! That shows how dumb you are!

Hobbes: Compared to you, I'm Einstein! Leggo my leg!

Calvin: Ow! Go stick your nose in a rubber hose, you walking flea condo!

Hobbes: I'd say it takes one to know one, bozo! Why don't you go play in the food processor!


Well! LOL! :-D
Oh boy! That was a great fight!


robelixBrazil flag
Now that's a bold move, Beco! Last time I saw someone asking something to Prof. Tewald, he slaped the guy, probably you, with a 10 page lecture on Franco-Anglo-Saxon history plus a short note about Math!!!

Now you may deserve a sweet lecture on Philosophy and Skepticism (Calvin, Hobbes...does it ring any bell?) in Mass Culture in the 21st Century and I'll be here just watchin from a safe distance! :-(O)

BTW Calvin and Mafalda are my favorites ever!

becoBrazil flag
Yeah... You are probably right...
That part about maths made no sense to me.

But maybe he is a good guy and that was a joke. Let us see how this goes, ok? After all, everyone deserves a second chance. :-)

And I dont know Mafalda! Who is she? Do you have any link?

robelixBrazil flag
Sure it was a joke, mine too!

Mafalda was the creation of a Argentinian guy called Quino. She's brilliant!

A few links:



TheAlchemistSlovenia flag
I hope I can be of some help, others are of course welcome to correct me, English after all isn't my mother tongue.

"Leggo my leg!" should simply mean "Let go of my leg".

"Ow! Go stick your nose in a rubber hose, you walking flea condo!" - the first part may just be about the rhyme with no particular hidden meaning, while "walking flea condo" is an insult for a dog, since it indicates he's like a condo (condominium, apartment complex) for fleas (parasites).

"I'd say it takes one to know one, bozo! Why don't you go play in the food processor!" - "it takes one to know one" is a common phrase as a comeback (although I personally dislike it), in this case it would mean that only a flea condo could know another flea condo. "Bozo" was a clown, so this should be an insult in the style "you silly" etc. "Why don't you go play in the food processor!" - A food processor is a machine used for cutting, slicing etc. food, so that would be a pretty bad fate should he ever suffer that

becoBrazil flag
How nice you, The Alchemist!

Well, I'm not the one who can tell you are right, but it makes complete sense to me your interpretation! :-)


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