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Topic: Who invented chess?
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CampbellMarcelNetherlands flag
The Egyptians or the Persians or was it already played in the Tower of Babel :-)

fantasignoItaly flag
i was told chess was invented by indians... anyway i remember the legend about a man who invented chess,(dont remember if he was indian ro what) then the king ask him how was the price he got to pay for that invention...and the man replied with a mathematic formula ...and i dont know how to report that in english...sorry! /:-(

TheAlchemistSlovenia flag
In that story, the man asked the emperor for one grain of wheat (or something) for the first square, two for the second, 8 for the third, and so on, until the 64th square. The emperor laughed at the request, but soon one of his advisors told him that that's more wheat than they can produce in a year. Or something like that :-D

I don't know if we'll ever know for sure, but I think India seems the best candidate.

chouiaFrance flag
India : a first version of chess named "chatturanga" in very very ancient times...at that time, towers were elephants, the king the maharadjah and the queen was a "vizir" (a kind of prime minister), the bishops were "archers", and the pawns were soldiers. The knights remained as knights. One of the versions of chess used dices to decide how many moves in row each player was allowed to play, another one, wich piece was to play...another version allowed the "king" to be "held" as a prisoner (caught), that is to say the game could go on even without any "king" on the chessboard...

Then it came to Persia (via the "silk road"), and the ottoman empire. During the religion wars called "Croisades", the french knights that have been to Jerusalem discovered this game and brought it to France, modifying a bit the rules : no dices, because the Catholic Church disapproved...a Queen, called "Dame" ("Lady") because it was the time of "l'Amour Courtois", no elephants of course, and so on...

mazziniItaly flag
The legend says that long time ago in India 2 brothers quarrelled the victory of a battle. Then the father asked them to reconstitute the battle on a skin by placing the respective armies. So was born the chessboard

RIVASArgentina flag
The origins of the chess are uncertain, though it seems to be sure that already was played in the India about the century V AC. Then went to Persia and afterwards it was spread by the Arabs. (its an idea!) ;-)

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