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Topic: Premove and Annotation
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Hi, i would like to have the option of premove. Especially in the opening or if i capture a piece i can guess my opponents next move with an presumption of 99%.
The second think that may be a bit better will be the possibility to annotate games.
I would like to write down the thoughts wich i have, while i play the games.
Anyway, great site. I enjoy playing here ;-) .

seigneurCanada flag
1) Out of curiosity, how did you come up with "99%" ? What data did you use to infer such a value? Is it exact, or did you round/truncate the real estimated value?

2) You can already write notes for yourself while playing games... I'm surprised you missed it, it's a pretty big box at the right of the chessboard. It says "Your private notes". You can write your notes there and then "[s]ave [n]otes" to save them. However, those are "meta" notes if you will, i.e. they apply to the whole game rather than each move.

1) Do you realy want an answer? :-D
But to explain what i ment with premove. The premove should only happen if the move i expect by my opponent will be played.
2) Yes i use it, but in this box i only have a very limited amount of letters.

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
Jockel might be on to something. Some piece or pawn exchanges are almost mandatory, especially in openings. A bold sacrifice is also often accepted. It would be nice and time-efficient if there was the possibility to announce one or two if/then options after you play your move, e.g.

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 And: If 4. Nxd4 Then ...g6 / If 4. Qxd4 Then ...Nc6

Or: 1. d4 d5 2. c4 And: If 2. ...dxc4 Then 3. Nf3 / If 3. ...e6 Then 4. Nc3

Such an option to announce the move after the expected one would help us through the opening phase and into the heat of the battle more quickly. It would also make a sound combination more psychologically devastating, when the follow-up move is already in the mail. I'm all for it!


OnceuponEngland flag

Jockel might be on to something.

He's certainly on to something:


Nice to see, its already in work ;). Didnt know that the right expression is conditional move. tx. perhaps it will be nice to have an to do list in a sticky thread. That would help to stop unnecessary questions.
Increase the amount of letters in the annotation box could be nice anyway.
Sry hope you understand what i mean. like you saw my english is not perfect

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