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Topic: Delete games
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jbumgarjrUnited States flag
I think there should be a delete game feature.

AmosLatvia flag

Would you perhaps be interested in a sub folder for favourite games? The reason I mention this is because it would also allow those that want to (as has been expressed before), to move games in to that folder, 25 at a time and recover their pgn data in bulk. In fact the maximum could be 25! And it would also be an interesting place for others to check out the best games.

If you answer Amos' question, it will go a long way to possibly suggesting alternate solutions. Having a delete option is a bad idea from my perspective but perhaps others will agree with you. :-/

jwbUnited States flag
Yes a sub folder would work. Sometimes you don't want to keep a game because you realize where you went wrong. I analyze only those games where I don't make stupid obvious mistakes eg hanging a Q.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
25! is too many games
25! = 25*24*23*...3*2*1

Actually a folder of 25 games would be a tremondous help in down loading games.

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
I would especially appreciate being able to delete (or file into a separate folder) those games that I was forced to claim due to my opponent never having made a move.

A non-tournament game can be cancelled up until black's third move, but a tournament game stays on record forever. I have seldom played a round robin tournament without one no-show in the first round: the average for that is damn near 1. My archive folder thus has a lot of games in it that were never played...

...so I'm all for a 'clutter folder'!!

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