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equusEngland flag
Jedai is a CHEAT! Look at his 7 games with gedalias. The latter can also be read as GED ALIAS which shows them to be the same person.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
I have not played gedalias or Jadai nor have I looked at their games so I cant comment on the validity of this accusation.

However I question the usefulness of the accusation. Lets imagine hypothetically that the accusation can be proven to be true. I cant think of any corrective measure I or any other member can take. It is possible that miguel could take some sort of corrective or preventative action. So sending migeul a message would make sense.
I would prefer not to read anymore acusations but I cant control what people post.

equusEngland flag
Oh dear! What a pathetic attitude to take. Talk about sticking your head in the sand and hoping everything goes away. Here we have a player using two names to ramp up the rating of one of them. The corrective measure is to name and shame and then trust other players will avoid playing them. But they have to be named first. By all means inform Miguel but having done that in the past with other cheats very little seems to get done. So it is up to us - name and shame, that's the game! And take a look at the evidence - Jedai's games.

MrDJRVDNetherlands flag
It is disgusting to see things like that happening more often all the time on QA, without any action taken by the administration. QA is turning into a paradise for cheaters. No use to prove it, like in this case a player rated over 2000 gives up 7 games without one single move made. So many players on this site using many names and are so stupid to play games which are so obviously a cheat. They know that there are never sanctions taken on QA.

psystutordotcom wrote;
"I can't think of any corrective meassure"
ON CHESSHOOD THEY CAN, and well a very simple one.

On Chesshood, a quite new chesssite, the administration doesn't worry that much about the number of players using their site. Last week the no.1 and no.3 highest rated players were banned forever, being accused of using computers. On Chesshood they have got 'bot anti-cheat' system, rated over 2800 FIDE, which analyses a great amount of finished games on a daily base. If you only play moves which the computer indicates as the best, you're a cheater.
You cheat, you got banned!|

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
This is not the first attempt at name and shame. Accusations have been made in the past. Is there any evidence that name and shame has detterred those accused in the past? Of course there is the counter argument that name and shame has deterred some before they were accused I suppose it is possible it has deterred some who where contemplating starting to cheat.

Of course it could have the opposite effect. It could show others how to cheat. This method of cheating is rare on ICC. It cost $70 a year per username. If you decide to join ICC send me a message I would like to get credit for the referral.

I suggest we ignore potential cheaters. If you play in tournaments they cant be avoided. I am using QA as a study tool. My goal is to play endgames better. I dont need to worry about cheaters.

MrDJRVDNetherlands flag
phystudordotcom wrote;

I suggest we ignore potential cheaters

For heaven's sake?.......... :^-(

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