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Topic: Suicide Virgins
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AlopintoColombia flag
Good soundtrack... Very poor movie... My! I wasted my time watching that film!


miguelUnited States flag
Do you mean Sofia Coppola's "The Virgin Suicides"? It was a bit slow for my taste, although I wouldn't say I wasted time watching it! Her next film, "Lost in Translation" is much better.

I am so tempted to create a forum just for dicussing movies... I know it's got nothing to do with chess, but with so many people from different parts of the world I'd really like to learn about all the great movies that are being made everywhere and that here in the US get no publicity. :-(

AlopintoColombia flag
That one! Slow, lame, predictable... Even after the first ten minutes I knew what was going to happen and how the plot was going to develop without even thinking...

I want to see three movies that here in the USA taste different: Golpe de Estadio, La Estrategia del Caracol and La gente de la Universal... Those are Colombian movies that felt special...


miguelUnited States flag
From those three I've only seen "La Estrategia del Caracol" and liked it very much. The other two I couldn't find so they probably haven't been released here and maybe never will. >:-(

Now that we are into movies in Spanish, "El Espinazo del Diablo" (or "The Devil's Backbone" in the English release) is a ghost story from Spain that will scare you to death. You will not be able to distinguish this movie from a high budget Hollywood film, as it is technically impecable and has very well done special effects, but it is the actual story that sets it apart from everything else you've seen!

WinclickIceland flag
Hi guys
I can understand your temptation to discuss movies here since I am a sort of a moviebuff myself. The best movie I saw this year sofar is "The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". It is just brilliant. In some ways it reminded me of Memento but it is totally different though. I have learnt some Spanish through my years in NY and I would like to maintain it. I will try to get hold of these Spanish ones you mentioned. They sound interesting. Hollywood storytelling is very lame for most parts these years so any freshness is welcomed.

miguelUnited States flag
What a coincidence, I just watched Eternal Sunshine this past weekend!

I think the idea behind the movie is great, and overall I liked it. I just had a hard time believing how some of the characters behaved, specially the main technician guy and the receptionist, I wish they had made them more believable.

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