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Topic: resigning
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refutorCanada flag
come on people, no shame in resigning if you're down a queen with no compensation. whoever said you never learn anything by resigning was full of something...you learn respect and honour by resigning to someone who has beat you. if you want to keep playing, challenge that person to another game. playing on a rook or more down (except in certain extreme situations) just wastes time for both sides.

RavendarkGermany flag
I think you're only the half way right.
IMHO, for a weak player it is a good lesson to see how a better player get advantages and then finish you down.
On the other side, it's a good way to see if you can handle the advantag if you're a minor piece ahead.
I think someone should resign when he's down a queen, but if you're only a minor piece or rook down, a blunder move can bring someone back into the game.

GambitsharkIceland flag
Sometimes the resigning is question of understanding. The really weaker player dont understand when they are busted and play for a long time in hopeless position. Mostly all know that if they are Queen down for nothing the time has come.. He has the right to play on however to learn or something, but it can be borin for the winning player! The stronger players resign normally if they have lost material for no counter..

GandwynnUnited States flag
sometimes you can force a stalemate if down considerable material. I consider it good practice to finish the game when up a piece.

alib2004Philippines flag
i suggest that you just send your opponent a note of his intentions why he is not resigning if you think that you already won the game... of course you may not get a favorable response or not at all but at least that gives you the first step in resolving your concern why your opponent is not resigning... use the comment after you submit your move.

GandSpain flag
alib2004 comment is excellent! I think we should talk more! In email chess is very difficult to blunder, so if my opponent is in big advantage, and i want to practice a lost endgame, I would ask him/her if he/she don't mind playing it, if he/she prefers not to play, i accept and resign. But as stated by ROADRUNNER maybe I'm playing a lost position without knowing! I would love that my opponent tell it to me, and if I disagree with his/her opinion, the game should continue normally.

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