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Topic: Bergman to high?
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cowgirlUnited States flag
Is Bergman way too high? He hardly ever plays high rated players. He gets his high rating cuz he play a lot of game but the players he plays are not high rated.

kingdaveUnited States flag
Clearly the scoring system is flawed, but I don't think anything is going to change. You can find plenty of discussion of this in other forum areas.

rbivanovBrazil flag
Here is the truth: http://www.queenalice.com/topic.php?id=26361

KavorkaTurkmenistan flag
What I do know...... Kavorka is too low :-/

rbivanovBrazil flag
And rbivanov too :-D

pacomar16Spain flag
bergman can play his cards well so tene punctuation but also a very good player :-)

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