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Topic: Predictive moves
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norocIceland flag
I would like to use permanent conditional moves.
So I would create once an opening tree and use it several times.

tewaldUnited States flag
Then you could publish it here so we'd all know what to expect if we played you... :-(O)

CorvidaeEngland flag
Isaac Asimov wrote a science fiction story in which to cut the time it took to send and receive messages to a distant planet, the sender would predict what the receiver would reply and so sent his next message accordingly. I can't recall the title of the book (or short story) and it is probably about 50 years old. Just goes to prove there is nothing new under the sun,(unless of course a certain member will explain otherwise).

zolaweedEngland flag
MrDJRVD your absolutely right, my deepest apologies for my glaring mistake, conditional moves would be the correct terminology.

tewald you mention the very reason why I found this feature most useful, during play I spot some great little line or move and on this site I may not come back to the same game for another 7 days by which time I've forgotten the move that makes me feel superior to all lessor mortals and my glory is thereby snatched from my hungry ego. Yes I could have written it down in the notes tab but the conditional move option would be nice, and if a line is forced, i.e there are no other moves available, why would you not use conditional moves? Seems a no brainer to me and have to admit I'm baffled why someone would be against the idea *cough* Corvidae, it's not like I'm proposing everyone will be forced to use it under penalty of expulsion from the site, it would just be nice to have the option.

oldfoolNorway flag
"If-then" moves option seems like a good idea, it works fine on other sites. In fact I mentioned such possible option on this forum a good time ago, but Miguel obviously hasn't picked it up.

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