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Topic: Predictive moves
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zolaweedEngland flag
This idea I take from another site. The idea is to introduce a system where upon you can input a predicted move 0rder after taking a move so as to speed up a game. Especially helpful if there is a forced move order and your opponent is offline you can make your move then use the predicted response tab, input the predicted move order or multiple move orders then when you come back the game would have automatically moved on if your opponent played the predicted moves. I personally found this feature useful and think it would be a good addition here, thoughts?

MrDJRVDNetherlands flag
I think they call it 'Conditional Moves' on other sites.

norocIceland flag
I want to get automatic moves where the move is forced. %-)

CorvidaeEngland flag
This is similar to the old correspondence chess move called 'IF, THEN' where time (and money)could be saved by saying 'If I move 1.e4 and you move 1...e5 then I move 2 c4, etc.etc. This was quite useful in well known openings. However,I'm not sure that forcing a move helps or is useful to a beginner as it takes away his need to examine a position, which though quite obvious to his opponent, is unclear to the novice. Also, we've all been in a position where we can mate in two and there is nothing your opponent can do to avoid it but do you really want the computer to end the game for you?

MrDJRVDNetherlands flag
With contitional moves the computer don't end the game for you. I did it myself when I instructed the server to play C if my opponent reponds with move B on my last move A.
And why would it take away the beginners need to examine a position? If he makes a move and the opponents answer comes straight-away, he still gets again another 7 days to satisfy his needs of examine the position.

CorvidaeEngland flag
Probably a good idea to speed things up but I would like to see a proviso that both players agree before the game starts to its use.

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